New Store in Winters, CA
Ezme work is now being sold in Winters, California at The Clayground! This is the totally awesome display. YAY! Upcoming news is that I will be having a solo show in their gallery in August 2017!
Ezme work is now being sold in Winters, California at The Clayground! This is the totally awesome display. YAY! Upcoming news is that I will be having a solo show in their gallery in August 2017!
I am so excited to say that my work is now carried in the Monterey Museum of Art’s Gift Shop! On the same level of excitement, we hand delivered my order since it was rather large so we spent the night on Cannery Row and had a two day Monterey Bay Aquarium pass…. READ MORE
I just taught my “Layering the Surface” workshop again at Leslie Ceramics. I had a full class (plus waiting list woo hoo) of enthusiastic ceramicists. We had lot of fun, made amazing pieces and hopefully everyone learned so much their heads are exploding with new possibilities and ideas! Hopefully I will teach a class next… READ MORE
I am so excited to share that I have solved a two year pinholing issue I have had on my large fruit bowls. Perhaps even you have wondered why doesn’t she sell many fruit bowls? Why are they never posted on Etsy? Why does she only have pictures from one photoshoot with them with her… READ MORE
And hey look my pinch bowl was selected to be up front and center on the postcard! This Saturday, September 10th from 11am-6pm, I will be selling my wares with 30 other awesome, self employed, entrepreneurs who are graduates of the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, received a Kiva Zip Loan and also members of SFETSY will… READ MORE
I’m in booth number 31 this weekend at the Palo Alto Clay and Glass Festival. 1313 Newell Rd, Palo Alto, July 9/10 from 10am-5pm. Come see my new cat necklaces based off the design from my popular cat head mugs!
No time for jet lag here! I’m getting ready for the Seconds Sale and Spring Open House at the Berkeley Potters Guild, 731 Jones St. We will open up the hallway with amazing steals, deals and “firsts” on May 7/8 and May 14/15 from 11am-5pm. The very springtime postcard shows a vase by Margaret Grisz-Dow.
I feel like I’ve been oddly quiet from the world and then I realized it was because I spent the majority of the month of April in Ireland!!! It was AMAZING and as my family calls it — it was an ABC tour (Another Bloody Church/Cathedral/Castle). I was really inspired by the history and nature… READ MORE
Happy Spring!!! I can’t believe how quickly this year is flying and don’t like it one bit. One thing I DO like is that Ezme can now be found at the Palo Alto Art Center! The other thing I like is that we are moving forward on my web store. Our first task was to… READ MORE
Sometimes being an artist is not making art and sometimes it can feel like you don’t want to make art for long periods of time. If you are at all like me as an artist and you don’t feel like making art for long periods of time, you start to freak out and think I’ll never have… READ MORE