
  • Foul Play and the Birth of ezme designs!

    I was so excited to read SFGate today and see there was an article about one of my favorite movies from when I was a kid called “Foul Play”. They used to re-play it on late night TV and my Mom being a huge Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn fan introduced me to the film…. READ MORE  

  • New Store Alert!!

    I am so excited to say that my work is now carried in the Monterey Museum of Art’s Gift Shop!      On the same level of excitement, we hand delivered my order since it was rather large so we spent the night on Cannery Row and had a two day Monterey Bay Aquarium pass…. READ MORE  

  • Irish Inspiration

    I feel like I’ve been oddly quiet from the world and then I realized it was because I spent the majority of the month of April in Ireland!!!  It was AMAZING and as my family calls it — it was an ABC tour (Another Bloody Church/Cathedral/Castle).  I was really inspired by the history and nature… READ MORE  

  • Vase by Rose Cabat

    What retirement plan?

    Imagine my delight seeing the oldest ceramics artist alive STILL WORKING at the age of 99!!!!!!  Happy Birthday, Rose Cabat! (June 27th is her birthday)  Her beautiful pieces called “feelies” are below… Before I struck out as a ceramics artist, I always held jobs in state/county systems (mainly working in universities).  There you would meet… READ MORE  

  • Baby Steps

    Baby steps to the door.  Baby steps down the stairs.  C’mon who doesn’t love the movie, “What About Bob”???  I am attempting to channel this sage advice with this new year.  The year of change — 2012.  They say the world is going to end this year, but in my life and for those around… READ MORE