
  • New Home Page released today

    Chris, the computer programming genius, has put the final polishing touches on my new home page and today is the day — it lives!!!  We’ve been using my blog as the homepage for a while now and it’s nice to have a pretty new landing page for visiting the world of ezme!  I love, love,… READ MORE  

  • New Ezme Wood Sign

    OOOooo la la!  Chris is always one to knock my socks off with birthday and Christmas presents but this one was a real humdinger.  He surprised me with a big wooden size with the ezme logo on it handmade by Tinkering Monkey in Oakland.  This photo was taken in their workshop.  Too legit to quit!

  • Featured Monthly Artist in Aftosa’s Artist Gallery

    Check it out!  I’ve been featured as July’s featured artist on the website!  Okay, okay I have an “in” as Aftosa is the new owner of Leslie Ceramics Supply where I have worked as a part time Purchasing Manager for the past 10 years (and still work)…  Still it’s cool when your new co-workers… READ MORE  

  • Will it leak?

    I used to watch Letterman all the time before we got rid of cable and started watching everything through Netflix, Amazon and the Apple TV.  He was always my king of late night comedy and one of his surrealistic skits he used to do was “Will it Float”?  Call me weird but I loved it and… READ MORE  

  • KM822

    New Baby!!!

                  I’m so pleased and proud to have a new baby kiln pictured here next to big daddy!  It was becoming increasingly more difficult to fill small orders and requests with the larger kiln so thanks to being a Leslie Ceramics and Crafts Supply employee, I got a great discount… READ MORE  

  • Seconds Sale and Spring Show at the Berkeley Potters Guild

    Come to the Berkeley Potters Guild 731 Jones St Berkeley for our Annual Spring Show and Seconds Sale.  I have lots of seconds to part with at low, low prices as well as some fabulous firsts and some sample pieces.  I have been busy in the studio testing about 6 new clay bodies with new… READ MORE  

  • SFO Collector

    Ezme at SFO and Collector

    As a store that carries Ezme Designs ware, Collector is one of my favorite, favorite to work with. Christina and Skye, the owners, are fantastic and have a wonderful eye for art and curating. Their philosophy is to have high quality artwork at affordable prices and they succeed mightily in this endeavor. I am incredibly… READ MORE