
  • Ezme Designs Etsy goodies!

    Check out my Etsy shop here. I have been busily adding items almost every day!  I have a show coming up at the end of February.  More details to come.

  • Three Fabulous Shows

    I am busy in the studio preparing for holiday sales including three fabulous shows : Renegade Holiday Show, The Bazaar Bizarre Holiday Show, and HolidayLand at Oakland’s Compound Gallery.  Woo!  More details to come.

  • Feelin’ the lurve

    Thank you Santa Cruz and especially thank you for the beautiful sunny weather.  I am feelin’ the Ezme lurve and returned to find out that not only am I featured in an Etsy treaury until Wednesday but I was a featured designer in the following newsletter!     Click here: Birds and here : Cool… READ MORE  

  • Next up, Santa Cruz!

    Next up!  Santa Cruz.  We will be there this weekend in downtown SC for the Cabrillo Music, Art and Wine Festival.  Seriously how can you refuse that and all for 0 point 00 dollars!  Click here: Santa Cruz

  • Benicia Arts and Jazz Festival

    Ezme show alert!  My next show will be July 26th and 26th at the Benicia Arts and Jazz Festival.  Details are here: Benicia Show

  • Oops! I forgot!

    Oh no I am so bad. I can only do so much computer posting.  I posted the Maker’s Faire on Twitter and Facebook and forgot to update my own website I have been so busy.  Anyway, the show was awesome and thank you so much if you made it out.  I don’t have another show… READ MORE  

  • Goin’ to L.A. for a show

    Hi Ezme Friends!  I will be out of the country and then out of town from April 15th to May 4th (ie not fulfilling orders).  If you are in the LA area on May 1st-2nd, please visit me at the Unique LA show. Unique LA

  • Back in the saddle!

    I’m back in the saddle again as the song goes.  New products are coming soon including some cheaper priced items perfect for this nasty economy!