
  • First ever interview!

    Wow!  The holiday season is already starting to drag me under!  It has been so long since I updated my whats news page which means a lot of things are happening.  The biggest news is after a very successful SF Craft Mafia show I was invited for my first ever interview!  Check it out here:… READ MORE  

  • SF Craft Mafia show

    I will be selling my wares this Sunday, October 21st from noon-5pm with the San Francisco Craft Mafia’s “Mafia Made Winter Trunk Show” at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park.  More details here: SF Craft Mafia

  • New Hot Out of the Kiln

    We have added a new Hot Out of the Kiln picture, added a portfolio link to my sculptural, etc. pieces on the homepage and added a new product — Edna!  Other new products will go up this week.

  • Wash, Rinse, Repeat opening…

    Join us tonight for the opening of the “Wash, Rinse, Repeat . . . Repeat” show at UC Berkeley’s Worth Ryder Gallery from 4pm-10pm.  There will be wine, beer and refreshments and the show will be open until October 12th!  You can see two of my sculptural/installation pieces there.

  • Solano Stroll coming up…

    Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!  I am taking a much needed break and am visiting family in Reno and eating at the Rib Cook-off.  Next weekend on Sunday is the Solano Stroll in Albany, CA.  Hope to see you there from 10am-6pm.  My booth will be up by Barney Burgers!

  • We got into the Solano Stroll!!

    Well it is official.  I have made it into my second applied juried show.  Yippee.  I will be selling my wares at the Solano Stroll on Sunday, September 9th, 2007.  I will post more details later but there will be new items not found on the website so check it out here.

  • Portfolio page updated with my new piece, “Drip.”

    Check out my portfolio page and in the new images section, you can see my Wash, Rinse , Repeat show piece called “Drip”.  It does just that.  When you water the grass on the top it drips down the rubber strings to water the grass at the bottom.

  • Oh my! It’s been a while!

    Oh my!  It has been so long since I have updated the Whats News page because I have been incredibly busy at the studio filling orders and doing Campfire Gals projects.  I have also had many family and friends come to visit me and also am hopefully wiser as I recently became older!

  • Time is ticking for the Wash, Rinse, Repeat show!

    Time is ticking away for the opening of the Wash, Rinse, Repeat show in San Francisco.  It will be held at the Ar+Space Gallery from June 24th-July 7th.  The opening is on June 29th from 7-9pm at 9th and Folsom.