
  • Bazaar Bizarre 2010 is coming!

    One of the BEST shows of the year is tomorrow and Sunday!!!!  Come to the Bazaar Bizarre at Fort Mason in SF.  Show is 12-5pm Saturday and 12-6pm Sunday.

  • Seconds and samples sale!!!

    Seconds and samples sale!!!  Come one come all to the California College of the Arts Holiday Fair.  Show is December 4 from 11am-3pm at 5212 Broadway (Oakland Campus)!

  • So many upcoming shows!!!

    I have so many shows coming up I thought I would write it down in list form! I will submit more details when the shows get closer — this is for pre-planning purposes… November 28 — “Holiday Crafterino” in Petaluma December 3rd & 10th — “HolidayLand” Reception at The Compound Gallery (show runs Dec 3-19) December 4th… READ MORE  

  • We got in the San Francisco Chronicle!

    My Rosie mug was featured in the SF Chronicle.  I was on the front page of the Home and Garden Sunday paper for a sale at Knit One One in Berkeley 11/6/10 SFGATE

  • Time again for the Hand-Car Regatta!

    It’s that time of year again for one of my favorite shows — The Hand-Car Regatta.  Don’t know what a Hand-Car is?  Check it out: Hand-Car Regatta! and come visit us on September 26, 2010 in beautiful downtown Santa Rosa!</a>

  • Okay Okay My bad!

    Okay okay My bad!  I forgot to put up on here about the Renegade Show that happened at the end of July!  Oops!  My next show won’t be til the end of September but in the meantime check out the stores page in the next couple of days to see new stores that carry Ezme… READ MORE  

  • A vacation and a show!

    Vacation and a show!  I am driving to Seattle for the Urban Craft Uprising Show and then spending some time in the Northwest visiting friends and family!  FUN!  If you live in the Northwest this show I have heard is not to be missed.  I am so excited!  Check it out: UCU Show

  • We’ll be at the Temescal Street Fair!

    BUMMER!!!  I missed the Oakland Indie Awards due to the flu.  Agh!  But my next show coming up is the Temescal Street Fair on June 6, 2010.  Check it out: Street Fair

  • Oakland Indie Awards

    Okay okay I have been hiding in the studio and not posting on the computer but my next show will be at the Oakland Indie Awards on Friday, May 14th from 5:30-9:00pm.  Details here: Indie Awards

  • The One Page Business Plan for Women in Business

    Ezme Designs’ “Vision Statement” is featured in the new book “The One Page Business Plan for Women in Business”. If you are starting your own business, it is the best guide for organizing your mission and goals.  Buy it here.