As a store that carries Ezme Designs ware, Collector is one of my favorite, favorite to work with. Christina and Skye, the owners, are fantastic and have a wonderful eye for art and curating. Their philosophy is to have high quality artwork at affordable prices and they succeed mightily in this endeavor. I am incredibly honored to sell my work there…
They are also SUPER patient when they place massive orders and I hyperventilate for a minute, inwardly cry and pass out on the couch for an hour. Then, they allow me to bring the orders in piecemeal because seriously their orders are ginormous for a one chicka operation to make! But make them I do (eventually) and now this past year they have had a pop-up shop in the new United airlines wing at the San Francisco International Airport. I haven’t gotten to fly United since this has happened, thus, the shop is a mystery to me. So, how lucky that the best jewelery artist I know, Amy Faust, has a fiance that works at SFO!!!! He shot this picture in April so the display and items for sale have undeniably changed but oh my gosh how cool to have your work where international and national visitors are flitting in and out!!! WOW! Thanks, David and thanks Collector!