I am teaching my first ever Zoom class and am I nervous?? Heck yeah! If I haven’t mentioned before I am on the inside very introverted and partially agoraphobic, so every time I teach a workshop, I have a little nervous breakdown, panic and then rely on my past theater training to put on a show!
So, my first time on TV is a little nerve racking, BUT, if I have awesome students then all the better. So, sign up now!!! Richmond Art Center Fall Catalog. Each class is only $35 and will be on October 24th and 25th. The class is definitely demo style but you will receive recipes and lots of handouts and information on tile making and cuerda seca decoration. A full description of the class is in their catalog. Hope to see you there! Oh and the photo here is unfired student work from my last class (which was IRL when Leslie Ceramics was still open). xoxo