• Handcar-Regatta on September 28th!

    I am REALLY excited to participate in the Steam Trunk Craft Show as part of this year’s Handcar-Regatta Exposition in Santa Rosa on September 28th.  This free event will feature mechanical wonders, sideshow curiosities, musical performances, and more.  It looks like so much fun I hope I can slip away from my booth to wonder… READ MORE  

  • Rock Make Street Festival

    New Show Alert beep beep beep!  Ezme will be participating in the Rock Make Street Festival on Sunday, August 24th from 11am-6pm between 16th and 17th on Treat Street.  It is a free 6 hour celebration of Art and Music and should be a blast.  Check it out: Rock Make

  • Angelfish & Co.

    Happy Summer Ezme Friends!  Ezme is in another store!  The store is called Angelfish & Co. and is located in Menlo Park.  Check it out Penninsula Pals! Angelfish & Co.

  • Pro Arts Open Studios

    I have been remiss as of late.  I actually participated in the East Bay Pro Arts Open Studios for the first two weekends of June at my friend Hue and Jason’s house!  A big thank you to them for including me and watching my stufff while I worked away in the studio making more stuff…. READ MORE  

  • A store and a class!

    Wow!  I have been so busy I didn’t even do a Whats News for the Capsule Design Festival that I participated in on May 25th which was lots fun!!!  Busy you say?  Why yes! Urban Indigo in Oakland, CA will begin carrying Ezme products this week, I have released my new product, the “Lucy” cup for… READ MORE  

  • We are “Editor’s Choice” from Craft Magazine!!!

    Drumroll and trumpets blowing please…  I am VERY, VERY pleased to announce that Ezme Designs has received an “Editor’s Choice” award from the editor of “Craft” magazine aka the “Maker Faire Editor’s Choice Award” for 2008.  From what Chris could see, out of over 70 craft vendors, I was one of five receiving this honorary… READ MORE  

  • The Maker Faire is amazing!

    Once again, I can say I LOVE THE MAKER FAIRE!!!!  It is so much fun being around creative and interesting types and we saw so much amazing work!  Our 6am wakeups were rough but so well worth it!

  • Gearing up for Bazaar Bizarre

    Okay, I am so sad and so sleepy but I am back without any shark bites from a much needed trip to Oahu.  THIS weekend I am gearing up for the Bazaar Bizarre at the Maker’s Faire in San Mateo on May 3rd 10-6 and May 4th 11-6.  This is an event you do not… READ MORE  

  • On vacation!

    All orders placed right now will not be shipped until April 28th due to a much needed vacation!  Woo hoo!

  • Oh no a pinched nerve.

    Long time no write!  I have been getting over a pinched nerve in my right wrist making it very difficult to work the past month but happily I have been whisked away on vacation in Hawaii until April 28th.