• Benicia Arts and Jazz Festival

    Ezme show alert!  My next show will be July 26th and 26th at the Benicia Arts and Jazz Festival.  Details are here: Benicia Show

  • Oops! I forgot!

    Oh no I am so bad. I can only do so much computer posting.  I posted the Maker’s Faire on Twitter and Facebook and forgot to update my own website I have been so busy.  Anyway, the show was awesome and thank you so much if you made it out.  I don’t have another show… READ MORE  

  • Goin’ to L.A. for a show

    Hi Ezme Friends!  I will be out of the country and then out of town from April 15th to May 4th (ie not fulfilling orders).  If you are in the LA area on May 1st-2nd, please visit me at the Unique LA show. Unique LA

  • Back in the saddle!

    I’m back in the saddle again as the song goes.  New products are coming soon including some cheaper priced items perfect for this nasty economy!

  • Hello Ezme Friends!

    Hello Ezme Friends!  Please note I will not be shipping any items from February 4th to the 11th.  I have been remiss of late as I have been madly finishing projects I have wanted to get done for years now!  It has been awesome and now that my life is more organized I will be… READ MORE  

  • The end of the year is approaching…

    **Please read me**!  The holidays are swiftly approaching and I am swiftly running out of stock.  My last show of the season is this weekend, December 13th and 14th at The Cruicible.  Since I have been doing so many holiday fairs and my stock has been depleting, please email if you wish to purchase something… READ MORE  

  • More Holiday Shows!

    Wow!  Where to begin as I have been so remiss of late on the “news” and it is aplenty so bear with me.  We had a fantastic Bazaar Bizarre and are now headed to the ReadyMade Magazine Holiday Show at the Verdi Club from 7:30-11:30pm on December 4th.  On the 13th and 14th, we will… READ MORE  

  • We’ll be at the Bedford Gallery…

    Guess where this little busy bee has been?  Yep madly working in the studio for the holiday crush.  The first big sale of the season will be at the “BG Craft Fest” this weekend in Walnut Creek’s Bedford Gallery.  I will be there on November 15, 2008 from noon to 5pm — check out their… READ MORE  

  • Capsule Design Festival in SF

    Thank you to everyone who attended the First Ever Hand-Car Regatta event in Santa Rosa on Sunday.  The event was AWESOME – like stepping back in time to the steam engine days of the early 1900s.  If you missed us there, we will have our next event at the Capsule Design Festival in SF Hayes… READ MORE  

  • Ezme Features!

    Ezme products are being featured in a couple of new places!  Check them out here: StyleSubstanceSoul Showcase and Sonia on Etsy Treasury. Thank you to everyone for including me and thank you to blog writers who have kindly written about Ezme!  We will have a press section soon.